Sangeetha and ASHA for Education present a Grand Music Recital by the illustrious Mandolin U. Shrinivas Mandolin Shrinivas (Read More) with U. Rajesh accompanied by Muruga Bhupathi on Mridangam andContinue readingMandolin Shrinivas
Category: Spring 2006
Shweta Jhaveri
Hindustani Vocal by Shweta Jhaveri (Read More) Saturday, March 18th, 2006 at 6:30 PM Venue: The Ethical Society Hall, 9001 Clayton Road, St. Louis MO63117 Ticket: General: $15. Seniors andContinue readingShweta Jhaveri
Ranjani Gayathri
Carnatic Vocal by Ranjani & Gayathri (Read More) Venue: The Ethical Society Hall, 9001 Clayton Road, St. Louis MO 63117 Saturday, June 17th, 2006 at 6:30 PM Tickets – General:Continue readingRanjani Gayathri
Suhas Vyas
Hindustani Vocal Outreach Concert by Suhas Vyas Rahul Deshmukh on Tabla and Sharad Sathe on Harmonium Friday, June 2nd, 2006 at 7:30 PM Venue: Hindu Temple Hall 725 Weidman Road,Continue readingSuhas Vyas